Alaska Airlines Reservation office telephone contact numbers:

Alaska Airlines Chicago Office AddressTerminal 2, 10000 W O’Hare Avenue, Chicago, IL 60666, United States.
Phone No18006545669
Working HoursEVERY DAY 24 HOURS

Details of Alaska Airlines Chicago O’Hare International Airport

Airport NameChicago O’Hare International Airport
Airport Address10000 W Balmoral Ave, Chicago, IL 60666, United States
Airport Phone Number1 800-832-6352
Alaska Airlines Flight
List of Alaska Airlines Offices

Head Office of Alaska Airlines

Head OfficeEmail AddressContact Number
Seattle, Washington, United Statesalaskalounge@alaskaair.com1-800-252-7522

Alaska Airlines Customer Care Handles the Following Queries :

Flight Ticket BookingBaggage AllowanceVisa on Arrival
Flight Ticket CancellationIn-Flight Wi-FiTransit Information
Flight Ticket ReschedulingAirport Wi-FiBritish Airways Lounges
Web / Online Check-inIn-Flight EntertainmentConcierge Services
Duty Free AllowanceAirport FacilitiesAirport Transfers
Flight InformationIn-Flight MealsSports Equipment
Airport LoungesMissing LuggageAirport Transportation
Visa InformationImmigration ServicesSeats Enquiries and Selection
Airport Counter Check-inDelayed FlightsIn-Flight Duty-Free
Self Service Kiosk Check-inPromotional FaresReceipts and Refunds
Unaccompanied MinorAnimals and PetsTravel Insurance
British Airway CodeshareBritish Airways Mobile AppOn Business Programme
British Airways Duty-FreeBA Codeshare PartnersExecutive Club Memberships

Solve your travel uncertainties by going to the Alaska Airlines Chicago Office in Illinois and getting in touch with the management there. They are friendly and, as mentioned earlier, they are always willing to help their flyers. To be in touch with them, reading through all the details in this guide will be of immense benefit. This office serves as a convenient and warm introduction to the world of tourism.